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Project Management Services

As a multi occupancy development, A Bridge Consultancy Ltd understands the unique challenges that relate to our clients’ projects. The ability to open stores in time for crucial trading periods was a key factor on this project.


ASRA Housing

Our main goal was to get the job done right, and first time. These kinds of projects can get very complicated, but having A Bridge Consultancy Ltd manage them makes it easier. We delivered this scheme on time and to budget.

Sectors: Industries
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Customised Professional Services

Acting as clients advisor, A Bridge Consultancy Ltd understands the unique challenges that relate to our clients’ projects. Our team of specialists provide unrivalled expertise and innovative solutions, customised to fit every need of our client.


Heritage quality upgrade

This project was to manage the upgrade works to the reportedly oldest untouched Crescent in the UK. Working with; the Client, Birmingham City Highways, and the Principle Contractor, the NEC3 form contract was managed to deliver project success, without disrupting the key stakeholders that occupy the properties along the Crescent.

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Sectors: Industries
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